Wednesday 30 January 2019

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A mysterious man claims to come from the future: Here's what the US predicts (video)

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: 05:23
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  • Adam Archon claims that he came from the future, more precisely from 2045. He made some predictions to America. He says the United States will have the last president in the next decade and that it will be a woman, granddaughter Martin Luther King, who will be elected in the White House in 2030.

    Her name is Jolanda Rene King, now has ten years, and Archon claims she will be the best president in the history of the United States, reports Unilad.

    In March 2018, in a peaceful protest in Washington, she reminded her grandfather of the words he had spoken 55 years ago, saying, "I have a dream, which is enough, it's enough."

    - My grandfather dreamed that four of his children would not be judged by color, but by character. I have a dream, which is enough, it's enough. This should be a world without weapons. And the point, "she said then.

    For her speech, many have said that it is much more than some potential candidates can offer.
    Listen to his predictions:


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