THE CRAziest laws ever are these ones! They still hold sway in America!
These laws really exist, despite the fact that they sound absurd. You are done if you sing a falsetto by mistake, and the monkey will be punished if he starts a cigar.1. If you annoy Big Foot, you risk being jailed or punished. Washington
2. Serving alcoholic drinks is prohibited. In Arizona, Fairbanks
3. It's against the law to drive in reverse. Glendale, Arizona
4. Using old underpants to clean your automobile is against the law. California's San Francisco
5. Changing a mannequin's outfit in a storefront window without first lowering the curtain is against the law. Georgia
6. Monkeys are not allowed to smoke cigarettes. (India's South Bend) )
7. Gargling in public is prohibited. (Louisiana's New Orleans)
8. Unless directed by a physician, taking a bath is illegal. Massachusetts's Boston
9. Women who pose as Santa Claus face a 30-day prison term. Minnesota
10. It is illegal to open a massage parlor. (North Carolina's Horneytown)
11. If you lie down and sleep with your shoes on, you will be in violation of the law. (North Dakota, Fargo)
12. Taking off a woman's clothing in front of a man's photo is against the law. (Oxford, Ohio)
13. Making faces at pets can result in fines or jail time. (Oklahoma)
14. Before giving a sermon, priests are not allowed to consume onions or garlic. Marion, Oregon
15. Women who want to apply cosmetics must get a license. (PA, Morrisville)
16. Lying down and dozing off in a cheese factory is prohibited. (South Dakota)
17. In Memphis, Tennessee, it is unlawful to take uneaten pies home, thus all pies must be consumed on the premises.
18. On all roadways, birds have the right-of-way. (Utah)
19. Red attire is prohibited for women to wear in public. (Wisconsin)
20. No more than five hours may be spent playing bingo. (North Carolina)
21. It is forbidden for chickens to cross the street. Georgia
22. Cutting a cactus carries a 25-year jail term. (Arizona)
23. If a police officer believes that biting a dog will help it relax, they are permitted to do so. (Ohio, Paulding)
24. Selling your eyeballs is against the law. (Texas)
25. Lying while singing is illegal. (North Carolina)
26. On Sundays, you are not allowed to sell a toothbrush and toothpaste to the same consumer. (The Island of Rhode Island)
27. You are only permitted to use your hands to consume fried chicken. The city of Gainsville, Georgia
28. It is illegal for relatives to marry unless they are younger than 65. (Utah)
29. Lake Street is off-limits to red automobiles. Minnesota's Minneapolis
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